Exercises for Busy Individuals

Exercises for Busy Individuals 

If you have a busy schedule, you may have trouble incorporating exercise into your daily routine. However, being busy should never be an excuse for neglecting your health. A few minutes of exercise every day may be enough to keep you happy and healthy. When you start to exercise more, your body will sweat out toxins that your body has been holding onto. It is a great way to naturally detox!

Exercises to Consider


Zumba is one of the most exciting exercises. If you enjoy dancing, you will love it. Professional instructors combine dance moves with cardio exercises to maximize the calories you burn. They may include lunges, burpees and jumping jacks to increase your heart rate. The music is typically energetic and fast-paced. If you do not have the time to visit a gym, thousands of Zumba videos are available online. Find one that you like and have some fun at home.


Download a yoga app and work out at home. It is an excellent option if you prefer calm and relaxing exercise options. Most yoga apps have hundreds of videos. There are videos for beginners or for very experienced yogis. Some yoga positions exert the body, causing you to sweat out toxins in your body. Other positions help calm your body while increasing your metabolism.

Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is a great way to burn calories fast. Jumping rope for ten minutes can burn about 150 calories and a high intensity jump rope session can burn as many calories as a 30-minute run. Not only is it fun, it is also a full body workout. It engages your arms, legs, and core. You do not need much space or fancy equipment to do this exercise. You just need a jump rope!

High Interval Intensity Training (HIIT)

HIIT targets various muscles. It helps you burn a lot of calories in 30 minutes or less. The training involves doing circuits with exercises that target your entire body. You may need to use resistance bands, weights or kettlebells. However, you can do HIIT workouts without any equipment! If you aren’t sure where to start, consider checking out videos online.


Consider doing stretches before going to bed and during your breaks throughout the day. Easy stretches awaken your muscles, and it does not take much time. You can do lunges and push-ups while going on with your daily activities.  Your muscles will feel less stiff, and you will likely have more energy throughout the day.

You Can Find The Time

Even though working out when you are super busy can seem overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of exercises that help you burn lots of calories in a short amount of time. You can find the time every single day to do something small! You can protect your health without compromising on productivity. Exercising is vital to your overall health and supports daily, natural detoxification.

If you are needing extra assistance with the detoxification process, try Results RNA’s Total Body Detox. Achieve total body detoxification and boost your immune system with two powerful formulas, ACS 200 Silver and ACZ Nano Zeolite.

For more information, visit resultsrna.com.

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