10 Ways to Naturally Detoxify Your Body

10 Ways to Naturally Detoxify Your Body

Detoxification is the process in which one endeavors to eliminate toxic and unhealthy substances from the body.

The process of detoxification can be achieved through various methods. To naturally detoxify your body, there are several dietary and lifestyle changes you can try.

Here are 10 ways to naturally detoxify your body:


Drinking water is a great way to detox your body as it flushes out toxins through urine. A lot of people find drinking water to be boring, but it does not always have to be. By mixing water, lemon, and some grated ginger, you are giving water extra flavor while boosting its detoxification properties. Having the mixture on an empty stomach is a good home remedy that can potentially flush out toxins from the body. It is easy to make from home and uses natural products.

Eat Vegetables

A good diet that cleanses the body largely consists of vegetables. Try organic vegetables that have a variety of phytochemicals, fiber, nutrients, and healthy dietary fat. They are important in removing processed foods from the body, including inflammatory fats and unprocessed natural foods.

Getting Enough Sleep

Quality sleep offers a nightly detox. Lack of sleep impairs the glymphatic system that eliminates harmful metabolites waste from the nervous system. Quality sleep, therefore, helps in the detoxification process. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.


Physical exercise is also part of detoxification. Walking, swimming, jogging, and aerobics help the mind and the body detox. Exercises allow blood circulation in the heart, lungs, and the brain, which helps in the body’s natural defense against toxins.


Steam therapy assists in the detoxification process. It facilitates the removal of toxins through sweat while leaving the body refreshed and energized.

Supporting the Immune System

Supporting your immune system is vital when detoxing. When your body is flushing out toxins, your body can start to feel tired. If you support your immune system while detoxing, you are giving your body the support it needs to function properly.


Fasting has a mixed reputation when it comes to detoxification. However, fasting for a short period of time is helpful as it gives your body necessary time to break down the foods you have in your system, assisting in the detoxification process.

Adopting an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Avoiding hormones, nitrates, and antibiotics in food is a great way to detox. This requires one to eat organic foods while avoiding sugars, alcohol, or any food with impurities. Some great anti-inflammatory foods you could try include tomatoes, fruits, nuts, and fatty fish.

Using Herbs and Spices

Turmeric and ginger are great for detoxing. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory that helps improve circulation and relieve pain. Herbs like rosemary and thyme are also good for detoxing.

Detoxification Supplements

The body naturally detoxifies using organs like the liver and skin. However, your body can always use additional support. Adding detoxification supplements to your day is a great way to flush out toxins.

Detox with ACZ Nano Zeolite

Try Results RNA’s ACZ Nano Zeolite as it flushes toxins out of your body. ACZ Nano Zeolite selectively binds and removes toxins safely and effectively. Not only is it effective, but it is also easy to use. A superior delivery method of ACZ Nano Zeolite is the only zeolite-based detoxification product provided in a convenient Intra-oral spray. Try it today!

For more information, visit resultsrna.com.


  • https://maxliving.com/healthy-articles/natural-body-cleanse/
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25947369/

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