Ultimate Body Detox Extra Strength
The leading detoxification, immune support & detox weight loss system is recommended by integrative healthcare practitioners worldwide. Three significant technologies work in synergy to boost the immune system & remove harmful environmental toxins associated with suppressed immunity, unhealthy weight gain & oxidative stress.
Product Information
Label Information
2 oz – $104.99 (30-day Supply)
4 oz – $189.99 (60-day Supply)
The leading detoxification, immune support & detox weight loss system is recommended by integrative healthcare practitioners worldwide. Three significant technologies work in synergy to boost the immune system & remove harmful environmental toxins associated with suppressed immunity, unhealthy weight gain & oxidative stress.

“Love the ultimate body detox system! I have had so much energy lately!”
– @legitleggett

“They provide outstanding Cadillac products ts that very beneficial to our health.”
– Sandra J

“Result RNA products are the best of the best. Order the specific product and use it immediately, you will never regret but if you don’t you will regret.”
– Alex C

“Great items, been using for years!!! I’ll feel great!! I’ll be posting that in 50 more years!!!!!”
– Sherry J

“Seriously this company and their products are saving lives…literally.”
– Linda C

“I started taking the ultimate body detox, and had immediate improvement. It’s been a year now and doctors can’t believe how I am back and healthy as can be! So grateful to have found these!”
– Justin M

“Expensive but I take these to keep immunity up. Consistently take 8 to 10 sprays per each daily at night before bed.”
– Jenelle K

“Amazing stuff! I feel so much better when I use them ♥️”
– Daisy

“The sprays are convenient and I was happily surprised at how bland the taste was. I was expecting a highly metallic or rusty aftertaste but that’s not the case.”
– Kathy S

“Make sure you start on a weekend or a day off because it works fast.”
– Krisouli

“About 5 years ago I started taking the Ultimate Body Detox system. Prior to taking the system I experienced stomach issues on a daily basis and also often a throbbing head about 4 times a week. After a few months I noticed that my throbbing head was gone and then a few months more I wasn’t experiencing the stomach issues that I had been before. To me, finding these products and being able to get rid of those issues in my life have made my life completely different.”
– Jennifer L

“Detoxification is one of the most important things you can do for your health. However, many detoxification systems address only the gut and intestinal cleansing. The fact is the entire body can be negatively affected by toxicity. Disrupted sleep patterns, poor energy levels, brain fog, poor metabolism and more can be just a few signs of a toxic burden. Total body detoxification is fundamental to maintaining optimal health given our constant exposure to environmental toxins. Results RNA has created a total body detoxification system that is easy to use and can be taken daily. It’s called the Ultimate Body Detox. Having used this system for the last few years in my practice, patients have reported positive results for positive immune support or when traveling for business and pleasure and even during the winter months.”
– Dr. Scott Theirl

“Detoxification. That’s a big scary word, but it’s something that all of us should do periodically throughout the year. It’s a time where we modify our diet, maybe take some additional supplementation to help our body get rid of toxins that we’ve been exposed to throughout the year. One of the products I absolutely love from Results RNA is their detox kit. It’s kind of an all-in-one kit. Super easy to use. They have the sprays that you spray in your mouth. It doesn’t have to be metabolized through the stomach or the liver. So we have three different compounds in this kit that all work together. The first is the silver spray. Colloidal silver, I’ve been using that for decades. It’s been around for a long time and it’s great. you can use topically, but this particular formation is oral. So you put the spray in. The second compoud they have is their zeolite, which is a trace mineral compound known for being able to pull out toxins and detoxification from that perspective. And then the final product is my favorite which is the glutathione spray. And so these three compounds together kind of supercharge your body and really allow your body to speed up the natural detoxification process. You only have one body. So you need to take care of it. I highly recommend detoxification a couple times a year, changing your diet, getting rid of processed foods, really focusing on eating lots of fresh vegetables, fresh greens that don’t have any chemicals or pesticides. And also doing some additional supplementation to allow your body to do its natural detoxification processes to kep you healthy and strong.”
– Dr. Anita DelPrete

“This is the most trustworthy company I have ever used. I will keep using it as long as I need their products. Very very pleased.
I use all their products because they work.”
– Online customer

“I was using the Ultimate Body Detox and decided to layer in the Pure Energy and I saw a whole new set of improvements. I noticed immediately that I would wake up feeling refreshed. It helped sustain my energy througout the day really well. I recommend all these products to everybody I know.”
– Chelsea R

“These products are great!”
– Marilyn S

“This product has given me so much security.”
– Kitty F

“I’ve ben using these Results RNA products for 15 years. Nothing but positive results.”
– Paul S

“Expensive but take these to keep immunity up. More expensive to be unwell than invest in health. Have been taking for about 8 months have felt well and have had people around trying hard to hand over their germs. Consistently take 8 to 10 sprays per each daily at night before bed.”
– Online Customer

“These products are great!”
– Marilyn S

“I’ve ben using these Results RNA products for 15 years. Nothing but positive results.”
– Paul S

“I’ve been using your products for years…this one is excellent for supporting immune health.”
– M

“I’m very grateful for finding Results RNA and hope it will spread to more and more countries.”
– Filip W

“Best natural health product on the market!”
– Jonathan K

“I’ve nearly finished my bottles and feel confident using these products.”
– Gail H

“These work well.”
– Samantha C

“These sprays have made a huge difference. Nebuilzing is the best way to use them. I recommend them for anyone: Advanced Nano Silver, Zeolite, Glutathione.”
– Kathryn A

“I’m very grateful for finding Results RNA and hope it will spread to more and more countries.”
– Filip W

“I’ve been using these Results RNA products for 15 years. Nothing but positive results.”
– Paul S

“I also love my RNA items! They work!!”
– Nick B

– Marilyn S

– Paul S

– Miami Acupuncture

– Filip W

– Jonathan K

– Gail H

– Samantha C

– Kathryn A

– Kathy S

– Paul S

– Nick B

– Patricia B

“Amazing stuff! I feel so much better when I use them ♥️”
– Daisy

– Diane S