Detoxification and Lifestyle Changes

Detoxification and Lifestyle Changes

Detoxification is a bodily function that enables the body to eliminate harmful toxins. The world is full of toxins that can easily find their way inside the human body. Whether it is environmental toxins, chemicals in the food we eat and the products we use, we are unlikely to avoid them.

Why are Toxins Bad for the Body?

Toxin build-up affects metabolic processes. It can weaken the immune system, disrupt bodily function, and increase susceptibility to certain conditions. Exposure to toxins through food, drinks, or breathing is inevitable. However, controlling toxin levels is possible by enhancing the body’s detoxification process.

How Can Lifestyle Changes Enhance Detoxification?

There are ways to reduce toxin concentrations in the body:

Get Enough Sleep- The body restores and heals when you sleep. The internal sleep-wake cycle uses hormonal and other internal cues to activate body regeneration and requires eight hours to rejuvenate the body.

Eat a Healthy Diet- Eat healthy foods, and balance nutrients in every meal to reduce oxidative stress and malnutrition, which interfere with bodily functions that control detoxification. Add foods like watermelon, ginger, and asparagus to your diet as they assist in detoxification.

Drink water- As the body tries to eliminate toxins, most of it gets flushed out as urine. Staying hydrated is extremely important as it facilitates urine production and toxin elimination.

Exercise- Exercising increases sweat production, allowing you to remove toxins from your body. Physical workouts decrease oxidative stress, and improve blood circulation, helping the body remove toxins from peripheral organs.

Cleanliness- Uphold personal hygiene and that of your environment to avoid harmful chemicals and health issues.

How Does Results RNA Assist with Detoxification?

Results RNA has liquid-based Intra-oral spray formulas that work more effectively than traditional supplements to improve the natural detoxification process. Results RNA detox products cleanse the body from harmful toxins, strengthen the immune system, and restore essential nutrients.

Detox Systems from Results RNA

The Total Body Detox

ACS 200 Silver- Advanced Cellular Silver 200 parts per million (PPM) 99.99% pure silver colloid silver solution supports a healthy immune response.

ACZ Nano ZeoliteA selective binder with an affinity for toxins, ACZ Nano Zeolite has been shown in many case studies to increase urinary output of toxins.

Ultimate Body Detox

The Ultimate Body Detox consists of three Intra-oral sprays that work in synergy to provide the ultimate detox. Start with ACS 200 Silver and ACZ Nano Zeolite and then we add ACG Glutathione to the mix.

ACG Glutathione Promotes neutralization of free radicals and reduces oxidative stress. Glutathione supports healthy detoxification.

Start Detoxing Today

Making a few lifestyle changes is a great way to kick start your detoxification program. Try the tips above with Results RNA detox products and never go back.

For more information, visit resultsrna.com.

Reference List

  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4427717/
  • https://www.resultsrna.com/ultimate-body-detox/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7310262/\

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