Stay Healthy While on the Go

Stay Healthy While on the Go

It is easy for your healthy lifestyle to go sideways while traveling, especially during vacation, as your routine and diet changes. However, you can still enjoy local cuisine, have a good time, exercise, and get immune support without sacrificing your vacation.

4 Ways to Stay Healthy and Enhance Immune Support While Traveling

Here’s how to stay healthy while traveling:

Eat Healthy Foods

Eating a well-balanced diet provides essential nutrients that give you the energy and brain power you need while travelling. It can be hard to eat healthy while travelling and you deserve to treat yourself while out on vacation. While you are eating out, it is important to pick healthy dishes or to try and include healthy snacks into your day. Choose meals that include various fruits and vegetables as they can help boost your immune system and fight off infections, keeping you healthy while you are on vacation.

Get Enough Sleep

According to the Mayo Clinic, a lack of adequate sleep can weaken your immune system. This can make you sick as your body is vulnerable to disease-causing pathogens. When you are on vacation it can be easy to throw off your sleep schedule and stay out late and sleep in. Make sure that you are getting 7-8 hours of sleep before traveling and while you are on your trip. Doing so helps boost your immune system, reducing the risk of getting sick while traveling. Getting an adequate night’s sleep allows the body and the immune system to heal and recoup after a busy day.

Hydrate Regularly

Drinking enough water is a great way to eliminate toxins from your body and support your skin. Ensure you carry a bottle of water to hydrate while on your trip, especially if you are somewhere with a warmer climate.


Not many people want to exercise on a vacation and that is okay! Try and find ways to stay active-even if it is walking around and exploring your vacation destination. Physical exercises help enhance blood flow, and relieve stress which allows you to stay fit and healthy while enjoying your time off.

Boosting your Immune Support on the go!

Staying healthy while on the go doesn’t have to be tricky. If you follow the tips above, you are giving your body the extra support it needs while it is vacationing.

If you want to make sure that you are feeling your best on vacation, provide your immune system with additional support with Results RNA’s ACS 200 Silver. ACS 200 Silver supercharges the body to maintain peak immune response and has been shown to suppress production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and plays a key role in maintaining optimal immune function. It is available in a 2 oz bottle, making it perfect for your travels and safe for airplanes.

For more information, visit resultsrna.com.


  • https://healthmatters.nyp.org/how-to-stay-healthy-while-traveling/
  • https://www.nytimes.com/guides/travel/healthy-traveling-tips
  • https://www.health.havard.edu/staying-healthy/tips-for-healthy-food-on-the-go

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