Colder Weather = Weaker Immune System

During the fall and winter, the weather changes significantly. We usually experience a drop in temperature and our immune system can take a hit. Many people start to feel under the weather when the temperature drops as various foreign invaders are more prevalent. This is around the time when we need more immune support. There is an association between the complexity of environmental change and seasonal cycles that make people more prone to certain conditions. 

Do Viruses Thrive in Cold Weather?

Common health concerns during the cold season include respiratory complications like the flu and seasonal colds. The main reason the viruses associated with these conditions thrive in the cold is the need for people to stay indoors away from the harsh weather, thus allowing increased transmission of the viruses. The low temperature also weakens the immune systems ability to fight off foreign invaders. 

immune support

How to Boost your Immunity During the Cold Weather

Fall and winter months alter immune system operations. Fortunately, there are ways to support your immune system and ensure optimal well-being during the cold weather. Here are a few tips to boost your immune system during the upcoming cold weather:

Wash Your Hands Often

With more and more people getting sick when it is cold outside, it is important to wash your hands often to remove immune attacking germs.

Get Fresh Air

It is easy to want to stay inside when it is cold outside. However, getting fresh air every day is a great way to support your immune system. 

Wear Warmer Clothes

Wearing warmer clothes is necessary when the temperature drops outside. Not only does it keep you warn, but it also helps your body to stay healthy as your immune system can struggle when you are cold. 

Take Immune Boosting Supplements 

The best way to support your immune system is to take immune boosting supplements. Results RNA has developed formulas to help you boost immunity during the cold weather.  

The Ultimate Immune Support System is exactly what you need to support your immune system and stay healthy!

Achieve total body detoxification, support your immune system, reduce oxidative stress and support neurological and cellular regeneration with our Ultimate Immune Support System.

ACS 200 Silver

This essential immune boosting formula is recommended by doctors worldwide. Advanced Cellular Silver provides 200 parts per million uniquely energized silver molecules, enabling rapid absorption, exceptional immune support and profound cellular regeneration. ACS 200 Silver provides powerful immune system support.

ACZ Nano Zeolite

Detoxify and feel renewed. ACZ Nano Zeolite selectively binds and removes toxins safely and effectively. ACZ Nano Zeolite supports daily detoxification and has been shown in multiple case studies to effectively increase urinary output of toxins.

ACN Neuro

Insightful nourishment for the brain, ACN Neuro is a highly effective neurological health formula supporting memory, mental clarity, and improved cognition while boosting mental alertness. ACN Neuro is packed with essential nutrients integral to the brain’s own immune system. ACN Neuro supports healthy neurological function, increases focus, and mental alertness, making it the perfect addition to your Results RNA routine.

ACG Glutathione

Neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. The leading antioxidant ACG Glutathione is the first GSH Intra-oral spray providing rapid absorption, unsurpassed anti-oxidation and improved cellular function. ACG Glutathione supports neutralization of free radicals, reduces oxidative stress and supports healthy detoxification.

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