Can a Detox Cleanse Boost Mental Health?

Can a Detox Cleanse Boost Mental Health?

A body cleanse is a term used to describe the process of detoxification, removing toxins and pollutants that impede bodily functions. When your body is overwhelmed with toxins, it can cause a lot of harm, even to your mental health. An excess of toxins can cause decreased focus, a lack of concentration and a lack of mental alertness.

It is important to detox the body regularly in order to avoid toxin build up. Here are a few things that you can do daily to detox and support your mental health.

Start Being Active

A great way to detox and support your mental health is daily exercise. Going on a walk, especially in nature is a great way to reconnect and regroup, while sweating out toxins. Try to be physically active 30 minutes a day.


Spending time meditating is an excellent approach to calming your mind. Concentrate on healthy breathing patterns and positive self-affirmations if you want to learn how to embark on a genuine mental detox. Regularly practicing meditation will help you maintain a peaceful demeanor throughout your day.


Results RNA has many supplements to assist with your detox regimen. The Total Body Detox is a great way to achieve total body detoxification and with the addition of ACN Neuro, you are supporting your brain as well.

ACZ Nano Zeolite

A selective binder with an affinity for toxins, ACZ Nano Zeolite has been shown in many case studies to increase urinary output of toxins.

ACS 200 Silver

Advanced Cellular pure silver colloid solution supports a healthy immune response and supports a healthy immune system.

ACN Neuro

ACN Neuro provides insightful nourishment for the brain and is a highly effective neurological health formula that supports your memory, mental clarity, and improved cognition while boosting mental alertness.

Support Your Mental Health Today and Body Cleanse

Participating in a body cleanse is beneficial in so many ways. Everyone can benefit from a regular body cleanse as it removes toxins from your body, allowing you to function optimally throughout the day. Not only does removing toxins help you physically, it helps you mentally and allows you to be feeling your best every day.

Add Results RNA’s Total Body Detox and ACN Neuro to your day and feel the difference. For more information, visit resultsrna.com.

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