Why a Health Journal is Important

Why a Health Journal is Important

A health journal is not a new term for most people, but few understand its importance in tracking overall health. Keeping one might give you a clearer view of your overall well-being. Tracking the foods you eat, the exercises you do and the supplements you take is a great way to kickstart your health journey. It can help boost your overall health, leave you revitalized, restored, refreshed, and healthy.

What is a Health Journal?

A health journal, also known as a diary, records your health, providing you with an easy way to track your health history. The knowledge you get from a health journal helps you take control of your overall health and well-being.

Here are some things you could include in a health journal:

Basic health information– Writing things down such as blood type, height, weight, allergies and blood pressure is a great place to start.

Goals– Write down your health goals in your health journal. It will help keep you accountable and will make it easier to stick to them.

Family medical history-Writing down your family medical history is a great way to educate yourself on potential future health risks.

Vaccines or medications-You can write down the vaccines you’ve had or the various medications you are on. It is a great way to keep track of the pills or supplements you take daily.

Water intake- Tracking your water intake is a good way to guarantee that you are staying hydrated.

Sleep Cycle- Keeping track of your sleep cycle is a great way to observe your sleeping patterns. You will be able to recognize when you are not getting enough sleep and make sure that you make necessary changes so your body is well rested.

Food Intake- Writing down what you are eating is a great way to stop overeating. It keeps you accountable, and you can see how much/how little you are eating daily.

Exercise routine– Write down your exercises, how many calories were burned etc. Having a record of your exercises can be very motivational.

You can personalize your health journal and choose what you want to document. It is a game changer and can help you adopt new, healthy habits or discover hidden health concerns.

Advantages of Keeping a Health Journal

Journaling is essential in helping you record your health as you follow a path to better health.

Here are the top reasons why everyone should start a health journal:

  • A well-documented health journal can help you uncover lifestyle patterns that might be impacting your overall well-being
  • A journal can help you discover foods that are aggravating your stomach. Keeping a diet journal can help you detect patterns, such as bowel disturbances and allergy symptoms.
  • A health journal with past and current health information can help you know what to change to stay healthy.
  • A health journal is among the few ways to keep yourselves on track and hold yourself accountable for your health.
  • Doctors find a patient’s health journal helpful in pinpointing the causes of various medical issues.

Keep Track of your Detox Progress With your Health Journal

A well-documented health journal includes the vitamins and supplements that you take daily. It is a great way to keep track of the Results RNA supplements that you take throughout the day! Keep track of the supplements you are taking, and you will be able to have a record of the healthy changes you are making.

For more information on supplements to add to your health journal, visit resultsrna.com.


  1. Editorial staff (2020) Creating a Personal Health Journal (Health Diary). Family Doctor org. Retrieved from: https://familydoctor.org/creating-a-health-journal/
  2. Popkin, B. M., D’Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010). Water, Hydration, and Health. Nutrition Reviews, 68(8), 439-458. Retrieved from: https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article/68/8/439/1841926?login=false

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