The Importance of Environmental Toxicity

We live in a world rife with toxins, and while we can make our best attempts to diminish exposure—toxins are unavoidable. These environmental toxins that we are all exposed to can be life-threatening. While national and worldwide initiatives attempt to tackle this issue, the truth is, we are a long way from cleaning our environment.

In light of new and well-established research, one thing is clear: something must be done to protect us from environmental toxicity before it robs us all of our health.

toxic environmentThe Scope of Toxins

According to the World Health Organization, “An estimated 12.6 million deaths each year are attributable to unhealthy environments.” While it may seem that those in more established countries are at less risk, this could not be further from the truth. Toxicity affects every country in the world, and the U.S. is not immune.

The vast majority of environment-related deaths manifest in cardiovascular related issues. However, many people are living with symptoms of toxicity without realizing. Lack of energy, a weak immune system, mental health concerns, fatigue, and muscle soreness are all signs of a toxic body.

Generational Effects of Toxins

Environmental toxins are capable of impairing health over multiple generations.

“You are what you eat,” right? Maybe not. In discussing her 2019 toxicity study, Paige Lawrence, Ph.D. stated, “to a certain extent, you may also be what your great-grandmother ate.”

After being exposed to the toxins, mice in the study felt the toxin’s detrimental effects generations later. This may be the same for us as humans. Specifically, this study explores how environmental exposures affect immune function across generations.

If your grandmother was exposed to environmental toxins, will that affect their immune response, and therefore, get passed along to you? The conclusion is that there are “broad implications for understanding how the environment of prior generations shape susceptibility to pathogens and immunity in later generations.”

Chemical Exposure of Toxins

While the EPA is cracking down on chemical use, testing, and transparency, the damage has already been done. Although only 40,655 chemicals are currently in commercial use, 86,000 have been introduced to our environment over the years. These chemicals are inside our bodies, passed down through generations, wreaking havoc on our health, and causing 1 out of every 4 deaths.

Our world is soaked in toxic chemicals and substances, and they won’t be quick or easy to remove. We can’t wait for these initiatives to take place and must do something about our health now.

The Solution is Detox

Consistently removing toxins from the entire body seems to be the most effective strategy available. Many detoxes on the market only remove toxins from singular organs, only to push those toxins to other parts of the body. It is vital to find a detoxification regimen that addresses more than gut and intestinal cleansing

These toxins block nutrient absorption, create free radicals, feed oxidative stress, worsen inflammatory response, hinder the immune system, and poison the organs of the body. The answer then, is a total body detoxification system, or removing toxins from the body from every system.

Benefits of Detox

A total body detox can help you feel your best. When you regularly detoxify your entire body, you’ll notice:

  • Increased energy
  • Better sleep
  • Higher absorption of vitamins and minerals
  • Improved weight management
  • Restored clarity, focus, and concentration
  • Clearer skin
  • Faster muscle recovery

The burden of environmental toxins can seem too heavy to overcome. While toxins cannot be avoided entirely, there is hope. Effectively address a toxic body by using a detoxification supplement, exercising consistently, eating a healthy diet, drinking more water, and getting enough sleep.