How To Properly Detox

How To Properly Detox

Detoxification usually implies following a particularly special diet or using products that remove toxins from your body, often promoting weight loss, boosting your immune system and supporting overall wellness.

There are many ways that you can remove toxins from your body— you just need to make sure that you are doing it safely and correctly. Our bodies are equipped to remove toxins with a little help, and we can improve our body’s natural detoxification process in many ways!

Here are a few tips on how to remove toxins properly and safely.

Drink More Water

Water is extremely beneficial to those wanting to remove toxins from their body. Besides quenching your thirst, water lubricates joints, regulates body temperatures, aids nutrient absorption, digestion and eliminates waste.

The cells in your body need constant repairs to optimally function and break the nutrients down for energy release. However, this process releases wastes that might be harmful if accumulated in your blood. Water efficiently transports these products, removing them through breathing, sweating or urination. Being adequately hydrated helps detox cleanse your body.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Though some observational studies show that low-to-moderate consumption of alcohol may not be harmful, excess alcohol intake can result in a buildup of toxins and can be dangerous. Your liver’s enzymes break down over 90% of alcohol into acetaldehyde, a substance that lowers your immunity. Your liver recognizes acetaldehyde as a toxin and converts it into harmless acetate later eliminated from the body. When there is an excessive alcohol content in your body, it can damage your liver, a critical component in filtering toxins and other waste from your body. Limiting your alcohol intake can help you body function and detox properly.

Eat Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Antioxidants protect your body from damage caused by free radicals. Excessive production of free radicals can cause oxidative stress and can be harmful. By adding some antioxidant rich foods into your diet, you will give your body the extra help it needs to remove free radicals. Here are some suggestions of foods that you can try:

  • Dark Chocolate
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Pecans

Eating these antioxidant rich foods can help your body fight oxidative stress resulting from excess free radical molecules and also help remove toxins from your body.

Using Supplements

The most effective way to detox cleanse your body is through supplement intake. Certain dietary supplements used alongside a healthy diet can help in the natural detoxification process of your body. Fortunately, Results RNA is a leading producer of detox cleansing products, including ACZ Nano Zeolite and ACS 200 Silver.

Start Detoxing Today

Detoxification is one of the best ways to improve your overall health. Start detoxing today and remove toxins from your body, allowing your body to function optimally and properly. Follow the tips above and reap the benefits of detoxing properly.

For more information on Results RNA detox products, please visit resultsrna.com.

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