How to Maintain Focus While Studying

How to Maintain Focus While Studying

Maintaining your focus while studying is no easy task. This is especially true if you are not studying in the correct environment or fueling your brain with the nutrition and supplements that it needs.

Luckily, there are many things you can do to help maintain focus and improve concentration while you are studying.

Designate a suitable study environment

A suitable study environment will be different for everyone. Choosing the perfect study environment largely depends on your preferences. Some may prefer a coffee shop, while others prefer to study in complete silence with zero distractions. It is important to pick a place that you do not normally associate with relaxing and also a place where you will not be distracted.

It can also be beneficial to listen to music while you are studying to improve concentration. Make sure to choose music without lyrics to maximize your studying time!

An ideal study environment should also include:

  • A clear surface with plenty of space to fit your pens, coffee, notebooks, and whatever other tools you need
  • A comfortable chair to sit in
  • A power source to charge your devices

Take regular breaks

Studies show that taking regular study breaks can improve focus dramatically and help you retain information more easily.

Set a timer for 25-30 minutes and study uninterrupted for that entire duration. When the timer goes off, take a break! Take five minutes to stand, stretch, walk around, grab a snack, and get a drink of water. When those five minutes are up, set another 30-minute timer and repeat.

By studying in manageable chunks of time, you are putting less stress on yourself and allowing yourself to stay focused and motivated.

Fuel your mind

Your brain controls every process in your body, so it is critical that you fuel it with the proper nutrients that it needs to function. You can do this by eating healthy foods that help you concentrate and support mental function.

You can also add a supplement to your study routine! If you are looking to utilize your brainpower to its full potential, ACN Neuro is a unique health formula with clinically proven ingredients that help increase focus and improve concentration and mental alertness. It comes in the form of a simple-to-take intra-oral spray that is rapidly absorbed with a pleasant mint taste.

By pairing ACN Neuro with a healthy diet and effective study habits, you are sure to support mental clarity and focus—helping you reach your study goals and retain information.

Click to learn more about ACN Neuro Extra Strength by Results RNA.


  • https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/ss/slideshow-brain-foods-that-help-you-concentrate
  • https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/02/110208131529.htm

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