How Stress Can Affect Your Physical Health

How Stress Can Affect Your Physical Health

Stress is a mental health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. It is normal to feel stressed, but it becomes a problem when it affects your daily life. Stressed is caused by different things and is common in teenagers, adults, and the elderly. Common causes include genetics, overwhelming life circumstances, finances and more. You should practice healthy living, exercise, and body cleanse often to prevent stress.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 18% of people affected by anxiety in the US are children between 7 and 17 years old, while 31% are women and 25% are men. That is a large number!

Did you know that stress has physical effects on your body? People who experience a large amount of stress experience physical symptoms. These symptoms vary depending on the person and how severe their anxiety is. Here are symptoms that stress can have on your body:

Heart Palpitations

When you are stressed, your heart beats faster than normal or even beats irregularly. In severe cases, it can cause your heart to hurt and can lead to more serious heath problems.

Muscle Tension

Your muscles tense up and ache in response to stress. This affects your whole body, especially your joints.


Stomach discomfort is a common physical sign of stress. You may feel like vomiting or feel extremely nauseous and need to sit down.


When you are stressed, you often lose sleep. You may feel tired when you are stressed because you are not sleeping enough.

How To Prevent Stress

Body Cleanse

To prevent stress, you need to cleanse your body of toxins that can lead to higher stress levels. Drinking plenty of water, eating fruit and eating a healthy diet low in sugar and processed foods help assist in the body cleanse process.  Make sure to use the right detoxifying products.

Eat Healthy to Boost Your Immunity

With a healthier immune system, stress symptoms like muscle tension, nervousness, or insomnia are rare. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts, flaxseed oil, or supplements reduces inflammation that causes stress.


Meditation increases focus and productivity and reduces stress levels in people who practice it regularly.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way to manage the stress levels in your life. When you exercise, your brain produces and releases endorphins which can increase your mood, energy, and mental health.

Use the Right Product

You can support your mental health by practicing a healthy lifestyle and taking supplements. Practice natural wellness regimes and body cleanse regularly. Use the right product to achieve the best results.


  • https://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/facts-statistics
  • https://www.whiteswanfoundation.org/disorders/anxiety-and-related-disorders/anxiety?gclid=Cj0KCQjwzLCVBhD3ARIsAPKYTcSvUK_DH8G2jhB9o2htXZ4v5OVWkSe_bRCInJEbj9NL7WtAo5PnW-gaAkTCEALw_wcB
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/physical-symptoms-of-anxiety#symptoms

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