How Can Stress Affect the Immune System 

Stress can have a serious impact on your mental health, especially if it is persistent. Not only does stress impact your mental clarity, but it can also have a massive impact on your immune system. The immune system and stress have a somewhat complicated relationship. The body’s natural defender, the immune system, is sensitive to any psychological stress and will not function properly when it is bombarded with stress. Below, you will learn how stress levels can impact your immune system and learn what measures you might take to lower your stress levels.

woman's stress effects her immune system as she works at computerHow Stress Affects Your Immune System

Stress reduces the number of lymphocytes or natural killer cells in your body. Lymphocytes are necessary to fight pathogens and various invaders. A review of studies in the Current Opinion in Psychology established that stress could cause an inflammatory response which can limit the immune system’s ability to protect your body. If the inflammatory response goes on for too long, it can lead to long term health issues.

Constant stress is likely to produce higher-than normal cortisol levels, hindering your body’s anti-inflammatory response. If you are dealing with stress levels that are higher than normal, take some time to identify what is causing the stress and find ways to avoid and cope with them. Not only will this improve the quality of your life, but it will also do wonders for your immune system.

Fighting Stress Daily

If you feel as though your stress levels are high, follow the tips below to help de-stress and support your immune system.

Make Time for Relationships

In stressful times, many of us want to stay home and be alone. We often feel an urge to avoid socializing or often are too busy to go out. However, when you are feeling stressed, it is important to reach out to your friends and loved ones. Your social support system will help you cope with issues by improving your self-confidence and self-esteem and will help lower stress levels.

Silence Negative Self-Talk

When we are stressed out, many of us have negative thoughts and can be too hard on ourselves. Try replacing the negative thoughts with positive ones, and see how stressful situations become less harrowing.

Take a Break

Many of us are juggling full-time work positions and have families to take care of. It can be hard to make time for ourselves, but it is essential to our mental and physical health. Set aside an hour a day to do something for yourself. Whether it is a walk around the neighborhood or a hot bath, make time to do something.

Fight Stress and Support Your Immune System

Often stress is unavoidable, but when we are always surrounded by stress, it can cause your immune system to shut down. Take the necessary measures to identify the causes of your stress and find ways to cope with it. By focusing on your stress level, you are supporting your immune system and making sure that you are living your best life.