Eat Right to Boost Your Immune System

Eat Right to Boost Your Immune System

Choosing a wide range of foods that support your immune system is one of the best ways of staying healthy. Eating antioxidant-rich and healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, lean protein and whole grains is critical for maintaining a healthy immune system. Although there are many foods that you can add to your diet, the tips below have been proven to kickstart your immune system.

Reduce Saturated Fats

Eating foods rich in saturated fat weakens your inflammatory response. Reduce your intake of such foods to make sure that you are providing your body with the nutrients that it needs. Some examples of foods high in saturated fat include:

  • palm oil
  • lard
  • baked goods like cakes and cookies
  • full fat dairy such as butter, cheese & cream
  • red meat

Increase Omega-3 Fats

Foods rich in Omega-3 fats boost your immune system. Various forms of fatty fish are a good source of Omega-3 fat that promotes your inflammatory response. Consider eating salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, and albacore tuna in order to reap the benefits of Omega-3! Some plant foods are also rich in Omega-3, including pumpkin seeds, canola oil, edamame, flaxseed oil, walnuts, and chia seeds.

Going Mediterranean

Mediterranean diets are the traditional dietary patterns of people who live around or close to the Mediterranean Sea and are known for boosting your immune system. Adapting to a Mediterranean diet involves adding a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds and nuts, olive oil, and lean proteins such as poultry and fish. It also requires skipping some meats, such as bacon, various desserts and sugar, and fried and fast foods.

Eat Healthy and Support Your Immune System

It might seem overwhelming to make significant changes to your eating habits, but by incorporating the tips above into your life, you are providing your body with essential nutrients and allowing your immune system to function properly. Start making changes gradually and feel the difference!

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