Dr. Theirl Recommends Ultimate Body Detox

Results RNA formulas are recommended by doctors worldwide, and Dr. Scott Theirl explains in-depth why a total body detoxification is vital to your health and why he trusts Results RNA’s Ultimate Body Detox system.

“Detoxification is one of the most important things you can do for your health. However, many detoxification systems address only the gut and intestinal cleansing. The fact is, the entire body can be negatively affected by toxicity.”

Toxins are not only found in specific organs, like the liver, but can spread through the entire body at the cellular level. A toxic body expresses itself in many ways.

Toxic Burden and True Detoxification

Dr. Theirl continues, “disrupted sleep patterns, poor energy levels, brain fog, poor metabolism and more can be just a few signs of a toxic burden. Total body detoxification is fundamental to maintaining optimal health given our constant exposure to environmental toxins.”

While there are many different methods that claim total detoxification, only Advanced Cellular formulas offer a true detoxification throughout the entire body.

“Results RNA has created a total body detoxification system that is easy to use and can be taken daily. It’s called the Ultimate Body Detox.”

Benefits of Ultimate Body Detox

The Ultimate Body Detox system uses Advanced Cellular Silver at 200 parts per million, Advanced Cellular Zeolite, and Advanced Cellular Glutathione to:

  • Strengthen the body’s natural detoxification processes
  • Bind and remove toxins at the cellular level
  • Replenish the body’s antioxidant levels

“Having used this system for the last few years in my practice, patients have reported positive results for positive immune support or when traveling for business and pleasure and even during the winter months.”

Join with those around the world who have seen the difference Ultimate Body Detox can make in their lives. Try an Advanced Cellular detox with the Ultimate Body Detox system today!