Role of ACZ Nano Zeolite in Detoxification

Nano zeolites, otherwise known as Nano-sized zeolites, are minerals comprising silicon and aluminum compounds. The mineral comes from sedimentary rocks due to the alteration of volcanic glass. The ACZ Nano Zeolite Extra Strength from Results RNA binds toxins and carries them out of the body through the urinary tract. This ability puts it front and center among potentially healing substances. It is helpful as a dietary supplement and promotes a thorough body detox.

How Does Zeolite work during a body detox?

Essentially, zeolite is alkaline and negatively charged. It is commonly referred to as a toxin binder because it can attract most toxins, such as heavy metals. Zeolite’s strong negative charge is attracted to positively charged elements in the body and binds them into a cage-like solid. Toxins are excreted along with urine output during a body detox. The other advantage of zeolite is that it does not interfere with vital nutrients in the body. Zeolite is used as a supplement to support detoxification.

How Does Zeolite Affect the Immune System?

Generally, the body utilizes a two-step approach to maintaining an excellent immune system by eliminating immune drainers and increasing immune boosters. Since most toxins are immune drainers, they need to be eliminated from the body in a manner that does not affect essential nutrients.

Fortunately, zeolite has a higher absorbency level that allows it to safely carry the toxins out of the body through urine output. A body detox eliminates toxins and strengthens the immune system.

Results RNA takes advantage of ACZ Nano Zeolite’s ability to bind and remove toxins. This is a clinically proven formulation that can cleanse the cells entirely without compromising the existence of vital nutrients in the body. The mineral is a primary ingredient in the body detox intra-oral spray design. Active ingredients in an intra-oral spray are absorbed more efficiently than traditional supplements. 

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