How to Keep Your January Momentum Going

How to Keep Your January Momentum Going

While making New Year’s resolutions might be easy, sticking to them can be difficult. According to research done by the University of Scranton, 80% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions by February.

Keeping your January momentum means that you need to be strategic and realistic about your goals in order to maintain them.

How to Keep Your January Momentum

Whether you are planning a new exercise regimen, a detox program, or simply trying to eat healthier, these tips will help you keep your momentum and motivation alive:

Do not overcomplicate things-When making your goals, make sure to not set too many at once. If you have more than one goal, make sure that they are achievable! You could be setting yourself up for failure if you have too many things to do at once.

Be specific-Having vague and unelaborated goals can lead to confusion when you actually try to execute them. Try to be as specific as possible when setting goals for yourself, as this will make it easier for you later. Whether your goal is to be more active or to drink more water, be as specific as possible when creating the goal.

Have an accountability partner-If you are finding yourself losing motivation, find someone to help keep you accountable! If you and a friend have the same goal, you can motivate each other and make sure that you are sticking to your goals.

Celebrate your achievements-Congratulating yourself on small but meaningful achievements will help keep you motivated with your New Year’s resolutions. For example, you can reward yourself for every week of success by doing something that makes you feel happy and relaxed.

Stay Positive

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged when you are not completing your New Year’s resolutions. Everyone struggles keeping their New Year’s Resolutions, and it is not something to be ashamed of. Stay positive and try the tips above to motivate you to complete your goals in 2022!

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