How to Achieve Better Sleep

How to Achieve Better Sleep

Your health can take a serious hit when you do not get a full night’s sleep, and it is becoming more common for people to struggle with their sleep schedule. Most people have struggled with restlessness or chronic sleep problems at some point in their lives and it can be hard to find something to help. According to the American Sleep Association, 70 million Americans have difficulty falling asleep, with 10% of this group suffering from chronic insomnia.

Sleep is one of the most crucial and fundamental requirements for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It ensures that both your body and mind are operating at peak performance.

Do you want to learn how to get a better night’s sleep naturally? Check out the tips below!

Helpful Tips For a Better Night’s Sleep

Exercise Regularly

All it takes is three or four sessions of exercise each week to improve your sleep. Those who engage in moderate exercise regularly are more likely to have fewer sleepless nights. Although exercising helps you sleep better, you should not exercise a few hours before bed as it can make it harder to fall asleep.

Create a Bedtime Routine

It can be hard to set a bedtime routine, and many of us are running errands right until it is time to go to bed. It is really important to wind down after a busy day. Around the same time every night, try to do something relaxing before you lay your head on the pillow. Take a warm bath or shower, adjust the temperature in your bedroom to a comfortable level, and turn off TVs, computers, and bright lights.

Be Careful What You Eat and Drink Before Bed

It is important to consume healthy food and drinks at night that will not keep you awake. Caffeine and other stimulants should be avoided 6 to 8 hours before bedtime. It is also best to avoid alcohol late at night. Alcohol can cause you to wake up periodically throughout the night and makes it harder to fall back asleep.

Add Results RNA Sleep Aid Supplements Into Your Routine

At Results RNA we offer two sleep formulas that will help improve your sleep night after night. For the best sleep of your life, now choose between Resteva Intra-oral spray for mild sleep support, and Resteva Rx liquid shot, a revolutionary new sleep formula for chronic sleep issues, inducing deeply calming and refreshing sleep.

Resteva Rx is a fast-acting, delicious liquid shot taken right at bedtime. Within minutes you feel waves of tranquil relaxation. Many sleep formulas help you get to sleep, but do not help you stay asleep, while Resteva Rx puts you to sleep with less interruptions throughout the night.

If you find yourself struggling to fall or stay asleep, you are not alone. A good night’s sleep is crucial to your overall well-being and we are here to help. Add Resteva Rx or Resteva Intra-oral spray to your next order and have the best sleep of your life.

For more information on a better night’s sleep, check out Resteva Rx at resultsrna.com.


  • https://www.sleepassociation.org/about-sleep/sleep-statistics/
  • https://www.resultsrna.com/
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24235903/

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