How Physical Health Impacts Mental Health

How Physical Health Impacts Mental Health

The expression “Look good, feel good,” doesn’t just apply to your choice of fashionable apparel—it can equally apply to our interconnected physical and mental health. Unfortunately, we often think of these two components as separate entities, yet they often work in tandem for our overall well-being and even provide a natural form of immune support when in sync.

Long-term physical health issues such as pain, fatigue, obesity, and disease often lead to mental health issues. Studies have shown that nearly one in three people with a long-term physical health condition also have a mental health problem, leading to feelings of being high strung or general nervousness, as well as an inability to concentrate.

Similarly, good mental health can positively impact your physical health, reducing risk of health concerns and heart conditions. Additionally, when in a poor mental state, poor physical behavior often follows.

Keep reading to learn more about the connection between your physical and mental health.

How are physical and mental health connected?

Genetic predisposition to mental health issues and immune support, low motivation or energy, difficulty to take care of yourself, and mental misdiagnosis can all play a role in how mental health impacts your physical health.

Because our mind and body work together, it makes sense that they affect one another and that symptoms often overlap. For example, if poor mental health keeps you from getting a good night’s rest, it will clearly take a toll on your physical body. Another example is when feelings of general nervousness take over, and your stomach can begin to ache. This is why it is so important to care for both your physical and mental health, as sometimes it is hard to distinguish if the root cause of feeling unwell is due to your physical or mental health.

Keeping Physically Fit Helps Mental Health

Research has also shown that those who are more mentally fit reach exhaustion more quickly. It can be beneficial to take time to meditate and rest your mind before participating in physical activity or exercise.

Some natural ways to mitigate any physical health issues are exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, taking supplements, and quitting smoking. Limiting your sodium and sugar intake as well as drinking lots of water also help. As a result, you’ll most likely start to feel better about yourself, concentrate more, sleep better, stay more mobile and independent, and limit potential memory loss—all while naturally boosting your immune support.

Exercise, specifically, is a huge way to protect both your physical and mental health. Not only is exercise crucial to keeping physically healthy, but it is also a natural mood booster. Exercise releases endorphins and can help relieve stress. Research even indicates that those who are more physically fit are more likely to have better spatial memory.

It is possible to look and feel your best when you make health a priority in your life. Taking proper care to rest your mind and to bolster your physical body can impact your physical and mental health for the best. In turn, you will begin to reap the benefits of a more positive mindset, increased energy, and a stronger immune system.


  • https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/how-does-mental-health-affect-physical-health
  • https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/p/physical-health-and-mental-health
  • https://www.fedhealth.co.za/healthy-living-tips/how-physical-health-affects-mental-health/

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