How Much Water Should You Drink?

There are various recommendations on how much water one should drink daily. You have heard the eight glasses or 2 liters a day rule. However, some people need more water than others. Water is an essential part of our everyday life, can aid in detoxification, and it does so much for our overall health. 

Why Should You Drink Water?

Water makes up an average of 55% of the human body. The numbers may range from 45% to 60%, depending on several factors. If you are wondering how this is possible, it will help to understand that water is present in various forms. There is water in your blood, urine, saliva, sweat, and our brains. When you know that your body contains so much water, it is easier to understand why drinking water assists in various bodily functions, such as detoxification.

How Much Water is Enough?

The answer to this question is not as straightforward as it may seem since human beings have different needs. An average person should do fine with a minimum of 8 cups daily. However, your body indicates when to drink water. Some of these signs include feeling thirsty and dry skin. Lack of adequate water in the body triggers these signs essentially because body functions are affected. A big part of detoxification is getting enough water daily. 

Other factors influencing water intake include the level of physical activity, sickness, and weather. Athletes are likely to need more water because they lose more. Also, the body presses for more water on a sunny day than on a cold day. Visiting a dietician helps determine how much water your body needs.

Does Water Assist with Detoxification?

Drinking water does assist in the detoxification process. When you are on a detoxification regimen, your body is doing everything it can to flush out the toxins that are in your body. When you drink enough water, you are assisting your body and allowing it to flush out the toxins through urine. Drinking plenty of water while on a detoxification regimen is extremely important. 

Drink Water and Detox with Results RNA’s Ultimate Body Detox

The leading detoxification, immune support and cellular rejuvenation system is recommended by integrative healthcare practitioners worldwide. Three significant technologies work in synergy to boost the immune system, remove harmful environmental toxins and reduce oxidative stress. Try the Ultimate Body Detox while drinking enough water and feel the difference.

ACS 200 Silver

Advanced Cellular Silver 200 parts per million (PPM) 99.99% pure silver colloid solution supports a healthy immune response. 

ACG Glutathione

Promotes the neutralization of free radicals and reduces oxidative stress. 

ACZ Nano Zeolite

A selective binder with an affinity for toxins, ACZ Nano Zeolite has been shown in many case studies to increase urinary output of toxins. 

For more information, please visit resultsrna.com






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