How Does Quercetin Help the Immune System?

How Does Quercetin Help the Immune System?

A strong immune system comes from within, and every healthy habit helps. Improved diet, moderate exercise and utilizing specialized immune support supplements can enhance your body’s overall immune response. Today we will talk about one powerful ingredient you can consider folding into your routine: quercetin.

The Importance of Quercetin to Immune Support

Quercetin has properties that enable it to actively suppress immune cells. This is beneficial for those with chronic or seasonal allergies as it can provide additional support to their overall health. The ingredient quercetin has been shown to stabilize the production of histamines in the body that prompt an allergic response.

Quercetin has also been shown to promote a health inflammatory response, which provides extra respiratory support, allowing us to breathe more comfortably. If taken consistently, quercetin can also help reduce free radicals that form in response to inflammation.

Respiratory Support and the Immune System

A respiratory reaction is our body’s response to what it perceives as an “invader”. It could be pollen, pet dander, dust, or other airborne agitators. The inflammatory response constricts the airway and makes it difficult to breathe, which can be uncomfortable and disconcerting.

Choosing a supplement to support a healthier immune and inflammatory response may help to mitigate issues in the body. This will in turn, reduce the overall stress to many of the organ systems in the body, especially your respiratory system.

Immune Support Made Easy

If you are looking for extra seasonal immune support, Quercetin Seasonal Extra Strength from Results RNA is a great addition to any health regimen. Quercetin Seasonal Extra Strength features a powerful dose of quercetin along with many other immune supporting ingredients. This proprietary formulation naturally supports the function of your respiratory system, allowing more oxygen into your body.

Looking to add quercetin to your daily routine? Try Quercetin Seasonal Extra Strength and support your immune system today.

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