Does Having Stress Affect Your Immune System?

Does Having Stress Affect Your Immune System?

Stress can be defined as the state of emotional or mental strain that is caused by advanced, demanding, and overwhelming circumstances. Sources of stress have been directed to personal, political, environmental, and financial strains.

When the body is in a state of stress it produces larger quantities of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol chemicals that trigger several physical body reactions that include:

  • Sweating
  • Aches
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Exhaustion

All these physical reactions cause a higher heart rate which puts more stress on your body. High-stress levels have several effects on the human body including the immune system. Here is how stress affects your immune system:

Higher Cortisol Levels

Immunology studies have shown that chronic stress can produce higher than normal cortisol hormones. These hormones can deprive the body’s anti-inflammatory response causing continual stress on the body and when the body lacks adequate anti-inflammatory response there is little immune support to prevent foreign invaders from attacking.

Higher Risk of Mental Health Issues

When you have higher stress levels, they can cause mental health issues and also lead to higher levels of inflammation. Sustained levels of inflammation point out an overworked and tired immune system that lacks immune support.

Reduced Appetite and Sleep

Stress affects brain chemistry through the negative feedback of cytokines. Hormones alter the function of the immune system by directly binding to immune cell receptors. This can affect your appetite and sleep which in turn causes serious health effects such as reduced immune response to invaders. When the body has a reduced immune response to invaders it lacks the immune support needed to stay healthy.

De-Stress and Support Your Immune System

As you can see from the examples above, stress can cause a lot of damage to your immune system and overall quality of life. Stress can be hard to avoid so we need to do everything we can to support our body’s and immune system so that it can function properly. Try adding Results RNA’s immune boosting products into your life and feel the difference.

Results RNA’s Ultimate Immune Support System

The Ultimate Immune Support System consists of four Intra-oral sprays. Achieve total body detoxification, boost your immune system, reduce oxidative stress, and improve neurological and cellular regeneration.

ACS 200 Silver

Studies show that Advanced Cellular Silver may increase leukocytes (white blood cells) that counteract foreign substances. ACS 200 Silver helps to bolster the body’s immune defenses. ACS 200 Silver provides powerful immune system support.

ACZ Nano Zeolite

Clinoptilolite zeolite has been shown to increase immune function by aiding the production of white blood cells. In removing toxins, ACZ Nano Zeolite helps the immune system flourish. It supports daily, effective detoxification and has been shown in many case studies to effectively increase urinary output of toxins.

ACG Glutathione

The lymphoid cells of the immune system require optimal levels of glutathione to function properly. ACG Glutathione replenishes glutathione, optimizing immune system function. It supports neutralization of free radicals and reduces oxidative stress. ACG Glutathione supports healthy detoxification, and promotes a healthy inflammatory response.

For more information, please visit resultsrna.com.


  • https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-happens-when-your-immune-system-gets-stressed-out/
  • https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/145855#physical-effects

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